Kreslav Babanin: How to deliver results and protect own team at the same time

Finding the balance between urgent business needs and mental health in the team is not a trivial task. It takes a while before the new manager calibrates. And during this process you might make multiple typical mistakes. In this episode you will learn how to avoid mistakes and find the balance fast.

To talk about these topics I’ve invited Kreslav Babanin, Software Development Manager at Amazon. Kreslav comes from a mixed educational background, combining technical and managerial formal education,  holding a Masters Science degree in Computer Science and an MBA in Managerial Communications. My guest has over than 10 years of experience working in software engineering as an agile leader, full stack web developer and recently became people manager. At this podcast, Kreslav will join me to share insights into his journey as a new manager, the mistakes he made and lessons he learned.

Tune in now and join the conversation!

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to email them to address [email protected].

Alpha Trials
Alpha Trials
Kreslav Babanin: How to deliver results and protect own team at the same time


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